Supporting the ACLU
Last month, I saw the film Loving, based on the events that lead to the decision in Loving v. Virginia, which invalidated laws prohibiting interracial marriage. I learned the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) played a pivotal role in righting this injustice.
One of the reasons I founded the Blackburn Foundation is to foster community development. We do this primarily via our academic pep rallies. The ACLU does so by ensuring that all members of our community are included. I’m not a lawyer, so the odds of me helping in court are pretty low. I do, however, have a bit of cash which I have now shared with the ACLU. I fear their services will be needed, now more than ever, given the current political/social climate.
If you’d like to donate to the ACLU, you can do so at
The photograph (a reproduction of Grey Villet’s shot for LIFE) and letter I mailed earlier are linked below, if you’d like to see them.
Letter: PDF